Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Faint ghost voice

I was laying in bed last night, when I heard a faint voice come from my fan. There was barely any music coming from the fan, but there was some mixed with dead-air distortion. I Was listening to that when I heard a voice. It was of a young woman, prob between the ages of 20-30. She sounded lost and scared. She was yelling out "help me" and "I don't know where I am". She was begging at times screaming "Please" and sobbing at times. If I had to guess, I would say that she is a new ghost.. 


  1. Shes reaching out to you trying to get your attention. you should help her. I sometimes hear my dad sighing. even when he is not at home. and hes still alive. is it possible to have a residual haunting when the living are still around? or is it another ghost copying my father

  2. I have come to terms with the fact that I cannot help the voices I hear from my fan. I agree, the woman was asking for my help, but all I could do was listen. It used to really bother me, but now I know my limitations. I have had contact
    with ghosts over the years, but they must initiate and want it.

