Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Movie theater ghost

I went to the movies with my Ba this weekend and I saw a ghost In the theater. I was watching the movie when I felt that ghostly energy, so I searched around the theater for a ghost. I looked all around the theater and did not see a ghost. My ghost senses were really strong and started to bother me. I turned to my left to try to shake off my senses and then I saw it. A ghost was sitting in the same row as me. The ghost was of a boy about 6 or 7 years old and he was only 3 seats away from me. His clarity was full and I could see all his features. His feet didn't come close to touching the floor and he was swinging them happily. He was eating popcorn and very into the movie. He didn't notice me at al and kept staring at the screen. It was uncomfortable for me to watch the movie, because the ghostly energy was so high. The sensation felt like I was constantly tingling from the inside-out and I was cold from his chill. 30 minutes into the movie, he noticed me looking at him and he flew to the far seat in our row. He continued to watch the rest of the movie from his new seat. This encounter lasted about 90 minutes.


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